Meet the supervisors

World class expertise

MLQ brings together a highly interdisciplinary community of researchers working at the state-of-the-art in computer science, AI and ML, chemistry and materials science, and quantum technology, as well as the interfaces of quantum information, many-body physics, and nanoscience. This includes experts in quantum and classical machine learning, efficient theoretical descriptions of strongly-correlated quantum systems, open platforms for computing and massively parallel optimization, quantum simulation and quantum computing with Rydberg atoms, molecular qubits and qudits for quantum information processing, quantum information theory applied to quantum state engineering, reduction of noise in noisy, intermediate scale quantum processors, quantum optimization applied to nanosciences and application of ML to hard computational problems impacting society.

Shannon Whitlock

Principal Investigator

European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ)
University of Strasbourg, France

Laboratory of Exotic Quantum Matter

Tom Bienaimé

Team Member

European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ)
University of Strasbourg, France

Laboratory of Exotic Quantum Matter

Guido Pupillo

Principal Investigator

European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ)
University of Strasbourg, France

Quantum Matter Theory

Johannes Schachenmayer

Principal Investigator

European Center for Quantum Sciences (CESQ)
University of Strasbourg, France.

Quantum Matter Theory

Pierre Collet

Principal Investigator

The Engineering science, computer science and imaging laboratory (iCUBE)
University of Strasbourg, France

Complex Systems and Translational Bioinformatics

Anja Metelmann

Principal Investigator

Karlsruhe Institute for Technology, Germany
University of Strasbourg, France

Theory of Engineered Quantum Systems

Aline Deruyver

Team Member

The Engineering science, computer science and imaging laboratory (iCUBE)
University of Strasbourg, France

Complex Systems and Translational Bioinformatics

Zoltán Zimborás

Principal Investigator

Eötvös Loránd University, Hungary
Wigner Research Center, Hungary

Quantum Computing and Information Research Group

Mario Ruben

Principal Investigator

EKarlsruhe Institute for Technology
University of Strasbourg, France

Functional Molecular Nanostructures

Simone Montangero

Principal Investigator

University of Padova, Italy

Quantum Information and Matter Theory

Rosa Di Felice

Principal Investigator

CNR-Institute for Nanoscience, Modena, Italy

Quantum @ Nano

Guido Goldoni

Principal Investigator

University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy

Physics of Matter

Rabih Amhaz

Team member

The Engineering science, computer science and imaging laboratory (iCUBE)
University of Strasbourg, France and Icam Strasbourg-Europe Campus

Complex Systems and Translational Bioinformatics